
My admiration towards Mikkel Frost

  Within architecture, one of the most important aspects is the ability to develop ideas and know how to transmit them through drawings embodied in 2D surfaces. Making something three-dimensional can be perfectly perceived on a sheet is not easy and, in turn, trying to make it this is almost like a work of art... well, much less. That is why for me the people who are capable of achieving this are people out of this world, they are people worthy of all my admiration; That is why, for me, Mikkel Frost is my greatest mentor in architectural illustration. Mikkel Frost is a Danish architect born on May 9, 1971. He has developed different architectural works but what stands out the most is dedicating himself to providing graphic material on the internet that allows people like me to learn from his techniques. My favorite elements of him are the pictures of him that he constantly posts on his instagram (@frost_works)(in fact it was thanks to this that I met him). His pictures of him conta

How can your specialty make the world a better place?

Architecture and the World ( a reflection) Despite being one of the careers with the least recognition in the labor field of the country, that does not mean (as many say) that it is an obsolete career; that this is no longer useful for the future, but rather that it means the opposite, it means that it is a misunderstood career in which the great potential it could offer the country is not recognized. of foreign countries, and especially those in the European zone, they consider or see architecture as a career with tremendous potential to change the future and development of the entire world, since this is basically the alma mater of how to build a city, which, after all, is where human life unfolds. Architecture is the main responsible for basically everything that happens in civilizations, literally even if we don't realize it since we got up in our apartment and went to a building x by a meter x until we fell asleep under a roof... All of this was under someone's architectur

My favorite food

SUSHI One of the dishes that I could eat until my death is without a doubt ; SUSHI...And it's that the whole concep of culture and sushi itself attracts me too much.I literally like all the varieties that exist of this. but well...What is the famous Sushi? It's a typical Japanese dish that can be sold under the gourmet or fast food label.The sushi consists of rice seasoned with rice vinegar ( vinegar is the key to making the rice very tasty), sugar and salt and combined with other ingredents such as raw fish, shellfish, vegetables, etc. The preparation of sushi varies depending on where it is consumed.What I'm referring to is that if you buy in a gourmet restaurant, it's prepared in a way that is more similar to that originating in Japan, while if we go to 'fast places' or if we want  to prepare it at home..the techniques used are in a 'Chilean' way. The most usual ( or at least what I do) to prepare sushi here in Chile is: 1.First I wash the grain of ri

My Favorite Piece of Technology

 My Ipad I consider myself a little tech-savvy person, that is why I don´t use many a lot of electronics....however there is one that I can´t stop using because it´s already part of my daily life; this is the ipad. This object spends most of the hours of my day in my hands because it makes my life easier and practical. Within technology it is my favorite ´cause it allows you to do everything that other devices do but in a simpler way.The ipad lets me watch my favorite series anywhere ( to a good quality), I can take notes (of the u ) on it , I can draw professionally on it and the best thing is that ir lets me use it as if it were a pc but with the comfort and form of a bigger phone. Whenever I can I recommend this device to people.Despite the fact that it´s price can be quite high, I think it's worth it for everything it offers you and helps you.   Information of the model that I have: -Name: Apple IPad Pro 11'' -3rd generation -256GB -Colour: silver -It has M1 chip ( havi

who I am?

 I think that telling about who I am has always been a problem for me.because I think it is not enough just to say "hi , my name is Daniela Aros, iam from Vicuña city 4th region, I am 20 years"..... That  is a presentaton that in my opinion does not describe a person very well, I mean, i think that talking about our preferences and way of living is more important than saying where we were born....So now i will talk about these things that I mean ; -My vibe: I am a chill person who loves animals -Dogs or Cats: I'm a cat person, I used to be a dog person but my heart was stolen two years ago by a michi (named "pitina") -Zodiac sing: Leo ( honestly I identyfi more with aquarius )..... Well... in a reduced way that would be me!!! :)

Odyssey of my major

For my it was a real odyssey to choose my major.... When I was a child...I always dream with be a veterinarian , but when I grow up I realized that is it a very difficult major and is probably that if you love so much the animals...you can be very sad all the time cause you cant save any animal, so I think it about it and give up that idea. In my teenage time I don´t really think it about university until I have to do the "PSU" test, for that moment I think in psychology but  give up again (lol) because I don´t like so much read, I mean i like but not a lot (and in this major is necesary read a loooooot)...and finally I decide to study architecture because I can draw good ( on my point of view) so architecture give to me a posibilitie to the study an draw at the same time sooo I say this is my place, here i were i belong (that sound so poetic ).Now I can say that is my place but.... i dont think that my place will be so hard and stressful , but put it away that is very cool a