My Favorite Piece of Technology

 My Ipad

I consider myself a little tech-savvy person, that is why I don´t use many a lot of electronics....however there is one that I can´t stop using because it´s already part of my daily life; this is the ipad.

This object spends most of the hours of my day in my hands because it makes my life easier and practical. Within technology it is my favorite ´cause it allows you to do everything that other devices do but in a simpler way.The ipad lets me watch my favorite series anywhere ( to a good quality), I can take notes (of the u ) on it , I can draw professionally on it and the best thing is that ir lets me use it as if it were a pc but with the comfort and form of a bigger phone.

Whenever I can I recommend this device to people.Despite the fact that it´s price can be quite high, I think it's worth it for everything it offers you and helps you.  

Information of the model that I have:
-Name: Apple IPad Pro 11''
-3rd generation
-Colour: silver
-It has M1 chip ( having this matters since it allows you to use it as a pc)

A reference photo of how I use my ipad ( I don't put mine because my desktop is a mess at the moment)


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