How can your specialty make the world a better place?

Architecture and the World

( a reflection)

Despite being one of the careers with the least recognition in the labor field of the country, that does not mean (as many say) that it is an obsolete career; that this is no longer useful for the future, but rather that it means the opposite, it means that it is a misunderstood career in which the great potential it could offer the country is not recognized.

of foreign countries, and especially those in the European zone, they consider or see architecture as a career with tremendous potential to change the future and development of the entire world, since this is basically the alma mater of how to build a city, which, after all, is where human life unfolds.

Architecture is the main responsible for basically everything that happens in civilizations, literally even if we don't realize it since we got up in our apartment and went to a building x by a meter x until we fell asleep under a roof... All of this was under someone's architectural decisions, that is, we developed against the spatial configurations that architects previously decided.

It is for all of the above that I feel that this career is perfect for people like me, people who are interested in seeing themselves as someone capable of instilling change and development according to what this world demands over time. Architecture offers the opportunity that through it you can create solutions from problems such as real estate insufficiency to generate large changes in urban impact on the environment. Really, this career is a potential source of solving any problem that civilization faces when and where. be, because it evolves together with us... and is always ready to offer its support in the face of any need or crisis (literally whatever comes to mind).


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