
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

who I am?

 I think that telling about who I am has always been a problem for me.because I think it is not enough just to say "hi , my name is Daniela Aros, iam from Vicuña city 4th region, I am 20 years"..... That  is a presentaton that in my opinion does not describe a person very well, I mean, i think that talking about our preferences and way of living is more important than saying where we were born....So now i will talk about these things that I mean ; -My vibe: I am a chill person who loves animals -Dogs or Cats: I'm a cat person, I used to be a dog person but my heart was stolen two years ago by a michi (named "pitina") -Zodiac sing: Leo ( honestly I identyfi more with aquarius )..... Well... in a reduced way that would be me!!! :)

Odyssey of my major

For my it was a real odyssey to choose my major.... When I was a child...I always dream with be a veterinarian , but when I grow up I realized that is it a very difficult major and is probably that if you love so much the animals...you can be very sad all the time cause you cant save any animal, so I think it about it and give up that idea. In my teenage time I don´t really think it about university until I have to do the "PSU" test, for that moment I think in psychology but  give up again (lol) because I don´t like so much read, I mean i like but not a lot (and in this major is necesary read a loooooot)...and finally I decide to study architecture because I can draw good ( on my point of view) so architecture give to me a posibilitie to the study an draw at the same time sooo I say this is my place, here i were i belong (that sound so poetic ).Now I can say that is my place but.... i dont think that my place will be so hard and stressful , but put it away that is very cool a